Show Off Your Collection

Baseball cards, My Little Ponies, dinosaur figurines, dolls, and so much more: some of us are born collectors, and we begin accumulating from an early age. As adults, our interests change and diversify, and the resulting collections become a perfect way to personalize our homes. Instead of stuffing your collectibles in a closet or crowding them on a tabletop or mantel, showcase the items that give you pleasure and that make your home unique.


A collection of wax seals might seemed destined for a desk drawer, but we framed sets of them for a cool, historically-influenced yet non-traditional display that beckons guests to come closer for a better look. The wax seals match well with the surrounding rich, warm wood paneling and are offset by gold frames.


In the same home, lighters gathered from around the world (and through time) make a playful, artistic statement when spaced throughout a wall.


Be fearless with what and how you want to frame items in your collection. Vintage swimsuits are too cute to stow away in an old chest. The bold colors and throwback designs make for a nostalgic trip into the past while simultaneously and subtly helping form future dreams of beach time.
